Keep Hope Alive
Luke 15:1-10 "Becoming a Good Loser"

Joy Through it All

"Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes in the morning."

IuYesterday our weekly Bible study focused on the word "joy." One member spoke for all of us, sharing the struggle of finding joy when things seem awful-violence in the streets, the dreary expectation of racism and homophobia being spouted in Cleveland all week, and on and on. How can we speak of joy in a time such as this?

While doing research for the class, I came upon the phrase "rejoice in doing good." (Jeremiah 32:41) Can we find some joy in working for the world God intends? This week's lectionary text is the Lord's Prayer, which counsels us to pray "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Jesus goes on to tell us to pray for daily bread, forgiveness, a heart that can forgive, the power to resist temptation and a saving from evil. This is the joyful work Christians are called to do.

It is appropriate to weep through these nights of a political convention so focused on fear and blame. But joy comes in the morning, the joy in finding where God's spirit still moves, giving bread, grace and resistance to evil. May you be surprised by joy today!
