My New Blogsite
August 19, 2017
Life changes. When I started bloomingcactus, I was starting life over and felt out in the wilderness. My writing helped me find that the wilderness is a beautiful place that helped me heal. I have enjoyed writing and sharing for over 10 years. So it is very hard to let go of this site and identity. I no longer feel very cactus-like, nor out in the wilderness, and I have not been maintaining this blog due to a lack of interest and focus.
So I have started a new site called With All My Soul. I have moved all my sermons to the site, plus I'm posting new ones as I go. I'm also sending out a weekly email for pastor's and other church leaders called "Motivational Mondays," on a variety of topics to keep you going throughout the week. If you have enjoyed reading my blog, take a minute and head over to my new site.